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For This To Work...We Need YOU!

Write-in campaigns are notoriously difficult.  And, I think we have what it takes to pull this off.  We are going to have to reach people where they are at.  That takes people, skills, talent, commitment, and lots of hard work.  I am not afraid of that.  Given that you are here now, I know you are not afraid of that either.  Let's roll up our sleeves together and make it Morales (and the other progressive candidate) in November! 

Let us know how you would like to help.

Legs in Jeans

Canvassing & Calling

We need people willing to put leather to pavement and phones to ears to help us get the word out.

Organizing an Event

Do you have neighbors, friends, family, or other community group members we can talk to?  Help us share our vision by coordinating an event.

Outdoor Summer Party
Campaign Yard Sign_Official.png

Yard Signs

An easy and impactful way to help promote the campaign is to place a yard sign on your lawn.  Heck, you can use it to hide some of your dying flowers with another thing of beauty...COMMUNITY POWER!

The Socials

Like it or not, social media is where people are at.  We need to reach as many of them as possible to win this.  So, grab some of our digital resources and go to town on BookFace, the TweeterSphere, Insta, and TicketyTok, or whatever the kids are calling it these days.

Digital social media

Help Fund Our Write-in Campaign

Your contribution will help us get the word out, encourage people to vote, and effect progressive change. 

If nothing above moves you...

You should get that checked out.  Just kidding! 

It is going to take all levels of engagement to win this write-in campaign. 

Here are a few other things you can do:

  • Vote for write-in candidate Guillermo Morales and the only other progressive candidate for County Supervisor (you know who she is) on the ballot

  • Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers about the campaign

  • Encourage everyone you know to encourage everyone they know to vote

  • Like and share our posts on social media

  • Teach people how to spell GUILLERMO MORALES, it's okay if they can't say it

  • Sit back, kick your feet up, and watch us change Johnson County for the better!

  • Better yet, be part of the change, and commit below to #JoCoWriteHimIn

Commit to write-in Guillermo

How do you plan to vote?
Who else running for County Supervisor are you going to vote for?
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